This post is about how control events, like MouseDoubleClick, MouseEnter ect., can be handled in a MVVM design

First a general Behaviour class

public static partial class Behaviours
	public static class EventBehaviourFactory
		public static DependencyProperty CreateCommandExecutionEventBehaviour(RoutedEvent routedEvent, string propertyName, Type ownerType)
			DependencyProperty property = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(propertyName, typeof(ICommand), ownerType,
				new PropertyMetadata(null,
					new ExecuteCommandOnRoutedEventBehaviour(routedEvent).PropertyChangedHandler));

			return property;

		/// <summary>
		/// An internal class to handle listening for an event and executing a command,
		/// when a Command is assigned to a particular DependencyProperty
		/// </summary>
		private class ExecuteCommandOnRoutedEventBehaviour : ExecuteCommandBehaviour
			private readonly RoutedEvent _routedEvent;

			public ExecuteCommandOnRoutedEventBehaviour(RoutedEvent routedEvent)
				_routedEvent = routedEvent;

			/// <summary>
			/// Handles attaching or Detaching Event handlers when a Command is assigned or unassigned
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="sender"></param>
			/// <param name="oldValue"></param>
			/// <param name="newValue"></param>
			protected override void AdjustEventHandlers(DependencyObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue)
				UIElement element = sender as UIElement;
				if (element == null) { return; }

				if (oldValue != null)
					element.RemoveHandler(_routedEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(EventHandler));

				if (newValue != null)
					element.AddHandler(_routedEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(EventHandler));

			protected void EventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
				HandleEvent(sender, e);

		internal abstract class ExecuteCommandBehaviour
			protected DependencyProperty _property;
			protected abstract void AdjustEventHandlers(DependencyObject sender, object oldValue, object newValue);

			protected void HandleEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
				DependencyObject dp = sender as DependencyObject;
				if (dp == null)

				ICommand command = dp.GetValue(_property) as ICommand;

				if (command == null)

				if (command.CanExecute(e))

			/// <summary>
			/// Listens for a change in the DependencyProperty that we are assigned to, and
			/// adjusts the EventHandlers accordingly
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="sender"></param>
			/// <param name="e"></param>
			public void PropertyChangedHandler(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
				// the first time the property changes,
				// make a note of which property we are supposed
				// to be watching
				if (_property == null)
					_property = e.Property;

				object oldValue = e.OldValue;
				object newValue = e.NewValue;

				AdjustEventHandlers(sender, oldValue, newValue);

The ControlEventBehaviour class

public class ControlEventBehaviour
	#region Button
	public static readonly DependencyProperty MouseEnterCommand = Behaviours.EventBehaviourFactory.CreateCommandExecutionEventBehaviour
			 (Button.MouseEnterEvent, "MouseEnterCommand", typeof(ControlEventBehaviour));

	public static void SetMouseEnterCommand(DependencyObject o, ICommand value)
		o.SetValue(MouseEnterCommand, value);

	public static ICommand GetMouseEnterCommand(DependencyObject o)
		return o.GetValue(MouseEnterCommand) as ICommand;

	public static readonly DependencyProperty MouseLeaveCommand = Behaviours.EventBehaviourFactory.CreateCommandExecutionEventBehaviour
		 (Button.MouseLeaveEvent, "MouseLeaveCommand", typeof(ControlEventBehaviour));

	public static void SetMouseLeaveCommand(DependencyObject o, ICommand value)
		o.SetValue(MouseLeaveCommand, value);

	public static ICommand GetMouseLeaveCommand(DependencyObject o)
		return o.GetValue(MouseLeaveCommand) as ICommand;

	public static readonly DependencyProperty MouseDoubleClickCommand = Behaviours.EventBehaviourFactory.CreateCommandExecutionEventBehaviour
		 (Button.MouseDoubleClickEvent, "MouseDoubleClickCommand", typeof(ControlEventBehaviour));

	public static void SetMouseDoubleClickCommand(DependencyObject o, ICommand value)
		o.SetValue(MouseDoubleClickCommand, value);

	public static ICommand GetMouseDoubleClickCommand(DependencyObject o)
		return o.GetValue(MouseDoubleClickCommand) as ICommand;
	#endregion Button

The shown example only handle button events, but with slight modification can be used for all WPF controls.

In the View:

<Button Command="{Binding Path=ButtonClickCommand}"
		utilities:ControlEventBehaviour.MouseEnterCommand="{Binding Path=MouseEnter}"
		utilities:ControlEventBehaviour.MouseLeaveCommand="{Binding Path=MouseLeave}"
		utilities:ControlEventBehaviour.MouseDoubleClickCommand="{Binding Path=ButtonDoubleClick}">

And finally in the ViewModel. This is only for MouseEnter, but I'm sure that you get the gist of it :)

private RelayCommand _mouseEnter = null;
public virtual RelayCommand MouseEnter
		if (_mouseEnter == null)
			_mouseEnter = new RelayCommand(param =>
				catch { }
			}, param => { return true; });
		return _mouseEnter;

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