This one gave me some headache, but as always, looking back the solution is pretty obvious.

Using WPF, in a MVVM design pattern, I have a ListView bound to a ObservableCollection. Straight forward senario.


<ListView Name="lvCustomerSearchResults" ItemsSource="{Binding CustomerSearchResults}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedCustomer}" ...




public async Task<AOTaskResult<List<CustomerSearchResultEntity>>> SearchCustomers(string cvrNo, Statuses? status = null, DateTime? fromDate = null, DateTime? toDate = null)
    return await Task.Run(() =>
        AOTaskResult<List<CustomerSearchResultEntity>> result = new AOTaskResult<List<CustomerSearchResultEntity>>();
            result.Response = _repository.LstCustomers(cvrNo, status, fromDate, toDate, out List<NezCusCustomerDTO> dtos);
            if (result.Response.Success)
                result.Result = dtos.Select(d => LocalMapping.ToCustomerSearchResultEntity(d)).ToList();
        catch (Exception ex) { CheckTaskException(ex); }
        return result;


Trouble is when I click an item in the ListWiew I get a “Must create DependencySource on same Thread as the DependencyObject”-exception. It turns out that the reason I get this exception is that I created the items in the ObservableCollection on another thread than the main-thread. So, obviously, the solution is to create the the ObservableCollection items on the main-thread:

public async Task<AOTaskResult<List<CustomerSearchResultEntity>>> SearchCustomers(string cvrNo, Statuses? status = null, DateTime? fromDate = null, DateTime? toDate = null)
    AOTaskResult<List<CustomerSearchResultEntity>> result = new AOTaskResult<List<CustomerSearchResultEntity>>();
    List<NezCusCustomerDTO> dtos = null;

    await Task.Run(() =>
            Busy = true;
            result.Response = _repository.LstCustomers(cvrNo, status, fromDate, toDate, out dtos);

            Busy = false;
        catch (Exception ex) { CheckTaskException(ex); }
    if (dtos != null && result.Response.Success)
        result.Result = dtos.Select(d => LocalMapping.ToCustomerSearchResultEntity(d)).ToList();
    return result;


 IMO, the code is not as clean ... but it works :-)


As always feel to ask or comment.

The System.Linq.Distinct extension returns a list (or more to the point, an IEnumerable<>) of ... surprise ... distinct items in a list.

This is all well and good for simple data types (e.g. integers). But what if you have more complex data types, and you want to get a distinct list based on a specific property.

Well - Distinct extension enumerates the Object.Equals method on all items in the list, and returns a new list list based on the result. An object is only equal to another object if they have the same hash code. So running List<T>.Distinct() would only exclude items from List<T> where T are the same object, and not items with the same information.

Say you have a Student type:

public class Student
    public long ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Student(long id, string name)
        ID = id;
        Name = name;

And a Class:

public class Class
    private List<Student> _students { get; } = new List<Student>() { new Student(1, "John Doe"), new Student(1, "John Doe"), new Student(2, "Jane Doe") };


IEnumerable<Student> distinctStudent = _students.Distinct();

would give you 3 items, as both "John Doe" have unique HashCode - they are not the same object.

There are two ways of getting about this.

Either override Object.Equals(object obj) and Object.GetHashCode() on the Student type:

public class Student
    public long ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Student(long id, string name)
        ID = id;
        Name = name;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var student = obj as Student;
        return this.ID.Equals(student?.ID);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return ID.GetHashCode();
    public override string ToString()
        return Name;

This executes fairly fast, but you would only be able to get unique items based on their ID.

If you want a more customisable way, you could write an extension:

public static class Extensions
    public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
        HashSet<TKey> seenKeys = new HashSet<TKey>();
        foreach (TSource item in source)
            if (seenKeys.Add(keySelector(item)))
                yield return item;

and user it like this:

public class Class
    private List<Student> _students { get; } = new List<Student>() { new Student(1, "John Doe"), new Student(1, "John Doe"), new Student(2, "Jane Doe") };

    public IEnumerable<Student> GetDistinct()
        return _students.Distinct();

    public IEnumerable<Student> GetDistinctBy()
        return _students.DistinctBy(s => s.ID);

    public IEnumerable<Student> GetDistinctByMore()
        return _students.DistinctBy(s => new { s.ID, s.Name });

As always, feel free to comment, or ask.